Video & Digital Stories

Videography is a powerful way to document experiences, showcase impact, and celebrate people making change. Compelling storytelling together with technical know-how on capturing insightful interviews and stunning visuals result in imapactful videos that can shared with donors, as community feedback, and at high level meetings – as well as cut up for social media clips.
We also work with communities to tell their own stories through participatory digital storytelling, which combines audio narration with visual images, facilitating people to tell their own stories in video format.
Videos & Film

Vivenciando O Limpopo
Documenting Post-floods Livelihood Recovery
Comprising both community voices and expert interviews, this 20-minute video documents livelihoods recovery and resilience of flood-affected communities in Gaza province, Mozambique, for UNDP Mozambique and National Disaster Institute. Click here to watch

TB Screening at the Border
Filmed in multiple locations in South Africa and Mozambique for the International Organisation for Migration, this video helps familiarise cross-border mineworkers with health screening at the Ressano Garcia border between South Africa and Mozambique. It briefly outlines the process, benefits of screening for mineworkers and their families, and tackles concerns to encourage acceptance.

Historias de mudanca (Stories of Change)
Five part series of videos documenting improvements from community-led action around health and education for people and communities in Mozambique.
Digital Stories

Passo a Passo: - Speaking out on landmines
Landmine survivors in Mozambique shared how landmines impacted their lives, to continue raising awareness. Since many of the most affected areas are away from urban centres, these views and voices are mostly forgotten. The collected stories were produced into short personal narratives appropriate for radio, and audio-visual digital stories for training and advocacy.
(Portuguese, Shangaan, Shona, Xitsua, Macua) Click here to listen.

You are not Alone
Sonke Gender Justice and Just Detention International brought together three men to create digital stories about sexual assault in prisons.
The stories promote the awareness and dialogue around the very sensitive issues of gender based violence, HIV, and prisons/ ex-offenders as a human rights violation almost completely hidden from any kind of intervention.
Click below to listen –