Publications & Editorial

CMFD produces materials, creates content, and provides editorial services resulting in useful and engaging print resources: case studies, impact stories, training guides, journals, toolkits, comics, and other written content. CMFD Productions and team members have provided creative direction, written content, and production for an extensive portfolio of materials and publications. The below examples are a selection of publication and editorial services completed.

Featured Projects

Power of Partnerships_Linking Policy and Practice_2024Web-1_page-0001

The Power of Partnerships: Igniting Change To Influence Policy and Shift Social Norms

This booklet highlights activities in Malawi, Namibia and Zimbabwe, showcasing stories of change and celebrating the efforts of NGOs, leaders, policymakers, and partners in promoting gender equality through shifting norms and progressive policies. MenEngage Africa/ 2024


Sonke Gender Justic Annual Report

This report offers a snapshot of Sonke’s achievements, insights, and work across Africa during 2023-2024, the final year of its 2020-2024 strategic plan. It highlights how Sonke implemented the plan's four foundational pillars: Rights, Action, Accountability, and Sustainability.

Presenter Guides

Radio Presenter's Guides

Easy-to-use reference guides accompany most CMFD Productions radio dramas and documentaries, helping presenters and communities host interactive discussions. Guides include background information, episode summaries, discussion topics and questions, and reporting ideas. Various / 2022 - 2023

Guide to Reporting Civic Space

Guide to Reporting Civic Space: Media Toolkit

This guide supports media coverage of civic space - fundamental freedoms of association, assembly, and expression, cornerstones of democracy facing increasing threats worldwide. It presents essential background information, reporting ideas, and further resources. 2017/ CIVICUS


Time to Talk: Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Information for Children in and through Faith Communities

This toolkit was re-woorked with updated sections to support faith-based media houses, journalists, and presenters with factual information, ethical and cultural sensitivity, and developmental framing around comprehensive sexuality education, (CSE), sexual and reproductive health and rights, and HIV related issues. 2017/ Sonke Gender Justice

Raising Women_s Voices Through Radio Drama

Raising Women's Voices Through Radio Drama: Reflections from South Africa

This case study shares the process, techniques, and learning from the Zaphamban' izindlela! radio drama and associated listening groups. Drawing on dialogue facilitators’ notes, it highlights the powerful potential of entertaining media to tackle complex and sensitive issues. 2014 / People Opposing Women Abuse

Always Alert_English

Always Alert: Reducing Disaster Risk Training Manual

Enhancing radio station programming to reduce disaster risk, this multi-module training manual outlines information, facilitator guidance, discussion prompts, and reporting angles around preparedness, mitigation and recovery. Produced in Portuguese for distribution and training in Mozambique, an English version features key excerpts. 2013 / International Organisation for Migration

Historias dos Becos_Comic

Historias dos Becos: Prevent HIV/AIDS Wall Comics

Series of 12 wall comics produced collaboratively with local youth and posted weekly over three months in high traffic areas - clinics, schools, shops, the market, and drinking spots. The light-hearted, entertaining stories address topics such as condoms, peer pressure, multiple partners, and transactional sex. 2013/ PEPFAR

Safer Spaces_Mapping

Safer Spaces Multi-Media Case Studies

A collection of case studies showcasing success stories around creating safer communities in South Africa, featured on the "Safer Spaces" online portal: fact sheets, photography, audio podcasts, and videos profiled 5 initiatives showing innovation and success. 2013 / GIZ

Malaria booklet

Free from Malaria: Guide for Community Radio in Mozambique

This 16-page guide was produced to help community radio stations in Mozambique to produce and air magazine style programmes around preventing and controlling malaria. The toolkit provides information about malaria, as well as programming examples, tools, and resources. 2013/ Malaria Consortium

Towards Safe_GIZ

Towards Safe, Violence-free Communities for Women and Girls in South Africa

This publication is based on a dialogue held on 22-23 August 2013 hosted by the Civilian Secretariat for Police, the South African Police Service (SAPS), and the Joint Gender Fund (JGF) to strengthen action for safer communities in South Africa and responses to violence against women and girls (VAWG). Knowledge and insights from the dialogue is accompanied by 5 case studies commissioned to demonstrate work on the ground. 2013/ GIZ

Business Unusual

Business Unusual: Gender and the Economy

This publication draws on hundreds of views and voices largely collected during 12 “Business Unusual” workshops in 10 Southern African countries. Over 200 participating journalists (over half women) produced and published thought-provoking articles in collaboration with local media. Their collective observations and analysis form the core of this book. 2012 / Gender Links

Speak Out Can Set You free

The “I” Stories & Speaking Out Can Set you Free

The “I” Stories, an annual project of Gender Links (GL) with partner organisations, publishes compelling first-hand accounts from women and men affected by gender-based violence. In writing workshops and in response to an open call, contributors share very personal stories of surviving violence, systemic failures, culture, HIV/AIDS, etc. An analysis published in 2011 reflects on these collective experiences. 2006 – 2011 / Gender Links

Soul Beat Africa

Editorial Services: Soul Beat Africa

From its inception, provided editorial and content services to the African sub-site of The Communication Initiative, an online community of practice for people and organizations using media and communications for social and behaviour change. 2003 – 2011 / The Communication Initiative

Eyes Wide Open

Eyes Wide Open & Are Your Rights Respected

Two educational comics - based on real life experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) youth in South Africa - encourage discussion about HIV/ AIDS, STIs, sexual diversity, and rights. The ground-breaking "Are Your Rights Respected?" comic is specifically geared towards the Deaf community, and illustrated by renowned Deaf South African artist Tommy Motswai. 2006 / GALA

Guide to Radio Drama with Children

Creating participatory radio drama with children

Published first in Portuguese as a chapter in a manual produced for Mozambique’s National Children's Radio Seminar 2005, this English facilitator’s guide outlines child-centred approaches to working with children to produce social awareness radio dramas - different options for dramas, writing and recording tips and techniques, and simple exercises to support the creative process. 2005 / IBIS